Saturday, 11 September 2010

Club Penguin Character Stamps Photos

The majority of you penguins already now about the character stamps page that was added in our Stamp Book but ever wondered what the empty photos on the right were? Here is the answer:
First start off by opening up your Stamp Book by clicking on the Stamp button below your player card.

Now for the people who haven’t found Rockhopper yet, you should have your page of character stamps empty with no photos. In addition, you will have a small stamp on the first photo with the number 1 beside it.

As you can observe, the Rockhopper stamp is the first on on the list and so there is a number 1 beside the first photo. So to the people who have found Rockhopper and got thestamp, their character stamp page should look like this:

Now that i have found Rockhopper and got his stamp… the photo was filled with the Rockhopper picture. Do you see the picture below it now? It has a stamp with the number 4 beside it and if you look on the stamp list, the fourth stamp is the stamp where you must be in the same room as Franky. If you complete that stamp, the second picture will be filled and so you will see the last number for the last photo.
The reason i cannot tell you about the last photo is because nobody has found Franky and got the stamp yet as he hasn’t visited the island. When he does, we will then be able to determine the last photo and its requirements.
I wrote this guide to all the Club Penguin fans out there who had questions about this issue. Let us know what you think!

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